Data of "Sampling the Materials Space for Conventional Superconducting Compounds" by Tiago F. T. Cerqueira, Antonio Sanna, and Miguel A. L. Marques The .tar.bz2 files include the ground state and electron-phonon calculations for all compounds performed with quantum espresso. Each batch contains 500 calculations. Due to the large size of the files, we only preserved the inputs and most important outputs. a2F.dos* Eliashberg a2F(w) function for every smearing el-bs.pdf Electronic band-structure Eliashberg.dat Tc calculated with the isotropic Eliashberg equation for different values of mu^* geo_opt.cif Geometry optimized with PBEsol lambda Eliashberg lambda calculated for different smearings McMillan.dat Tc calculated with the McMillan and Allen-Dynes equations ph_*.in Input files for the phonon calculations (per q-point) ph_*.out Output files for the phonon calculations (per q-point). This file may not contain all information for calculations that had to be restarted ph-bs.pdf Phonon band structure qe.dyn* Dynamical matrix for each q-point Input file for the ground-state calculation in the coarse k-point grid scf_coarse.out Output file for the ground-state calculation in the coarse k-point grid Input file for the ground-state calculation in the fine k-point grid scf_fine.out Output file for the ground-state calculation in the finr k-point grid